October 23, 2013
The Working Principles of a Turbocharger
an internal combustion engine where there is a need to increase the
power, a turbocharger comes in application. In order to accomplish this,
the turbocharger increases the mass flow rate of air entering the
engine by the turbine action driven by it’s exhaust. It is widely
applied in aircrafts, automobiles and motorcycles.
October 20, 2013
1.)What is the difference between alpha iron, delta iron and gamma iron ?
Ans: The bcc form of iron exists between room temperature and 910°C,
and between 1400°C and the melting point at 1539°C. The lower
temperature form is known as "alpha"-iron and the higher temperature
form as "delta"-iron. The face-centered cubic form existing between
910°C and 1400°C is referred to as "gamma-iron".
2.)Explain the difference between the points of inflexion and contraflexure.
Ans: At points of inflexion in a loaded beam the bending moment is zero
and at points of contraflexure in loaded beam the bending moment
changes sign from increasing to decreasing.
3.)What do you understand by eutectic ?
Ans: It is mechanical mixture of two or more phases which solidify simultaneously from the liquid alloy.
4.)Under what condition a convergent divergent nozzle required ?
Ans: When pressure ratio is greater than critical pressure ratio
October 16, 2013
1.)What is the difference between isotropic material and homogeneous material ?
Ans: In homogeneous material the composition is same throughout and in
isotropic material the elastic constants are same in all directions.
2.)What do you understand by catenary cable ?
Ans: A cable attached to the supports and carrying its own weight.
3.)What is the difference between basic hole and basic shaft ?
Ans: A basic hole is one whose lower deviation is zero and in case of basic shaft the upper deviation is zero.
4.)In which process internal energy remains constant ?
Ans: Isothermal process.
October 11, 2013
1.)Explain what you understand by the term hydrostatic paradox ?
Ans: Hydrostatic paradox is the phenomenon that the floor load of water
in vessels of different shapes carrying water at same level depends
only on the area of the bottom surface and not on the shape of the
2.)What do you understand by inversions and how many inversions are possible in a kinematic chain having 'n' links ?
Ans: Inversions are different mechanisms obtained by fixing different
links in a kinematic chain but keeping relative motions of links
unchanged with respect to one another. A kinematic chain
with 'n' links can have 'n' inversions.
3.)What is the difference between a machine and a mechanism ?
Ans: A mechanism consists of links forming a constrained kinematic
chain. Its function is basically to transmit or modify motion. A machine
is a mechanism but here we are concerned with forces to be transmitted
and it is used to modify mechanical work.
4.)Why excess air is required to burn a fuel completely ?
Ans: Excess air is required to ensure adequate mixing of fuel and air,
avoid smoke, minimize slagging in coal burning, and to ensure maximum
steam output.
1.)Which Pump is more Efficient Centrifugal Pump or Reciprocating Pump?
Ans.Centrifugal pump. Because flow rate is higher compared to reciprocating
pump. Flow is smooth and it requires less space to
install. Lower initial cost and lower maintenance cost.
2.)Compare Brayton Cycle and Otto Cycle?
Ans.The heat addition and rejection processes in Otto cycle are of constant
volume, whereas in Brayton cycle, they are of
constant pressure.
-Otto cycle is the ideal cycle for spark ignition engines.
-Brayton cycle is the ideal cycle for gas power turbines.
3.)What is the purpose of Scrapper Ring?
Ans. Scrap the excess lube oil from the cylinder walls. there by preventing oil
from entering combustion zone.
4.)State difference between AnitiFriction Bearing and Journal Bearing?
Ans. Generally, journal bearings have higher friction force, consume higher
energy and release more heat, but they have larger contact surface, so normally
used in low speed high load applications. In anti friction bearings friction is
less. One object just rolls over each other.
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