July 15, 2016


  • Achievements are yardstick for leading meaningful life.
  • Life is full of surprises, and sometimes it seems very complex, discomfort and unfair with its unexpected twists and turns.
  • To find your purpose of life, you have to give purpose to your life.
  • Life is a journey from one goal post to another. As long as there is life, there is a goal in front of you.
  • Life is based on choices.
  • The opportunity to improve your life is available with you all the time.
  • Life is a mirror image of dominant thoughts.
  • Life is an adventurous journey.
  • Life is neither good nor evil in itself. It appears according to the state of our heart, which is our subconscious mind.
  • Life is a process of creation. It is here right now, in the present moment.
  • Life is uncertain; no one can exactly predict what is going to happen in the future. Any time it can come to an end.
  • The drawback of attachment is that it does not allow us to enjoy the life in totality.
  • Life is a reflection of action. To run around here and there without any concrete output leads to a meaningless life.
  • The secret of leading a meaningful life lies in setting yourself a goal.
  • The choice we make during the course of our life writes our life story.
  • The wonderful law of life: focus on problems and they will multiply; count your blessings and your life happiness will increase manifold.
  • Counting your blessings will lead you to have the positive approach in difficult times and that in turn help you to sort out problems earlier and smoothly.

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