February 9, 2014


1.)What is operating pressure?

Ans.-Operating pressure is the standard level of pressure a system operates under, usually within a fairly narrow range of tolerances.

2.)Explain Otto cycle.

Ans.-An Otto cycle is an idealized thermodynamic cycle which describes the functioning of a typical spark ignition reciprocating piston engine,the thermodynamic cycle most commonly found in automobile engines.he Otto cycle consists of adiabatic compression, heat addition at constant volume, adiabatic expansion, and rejection of heat at constant volume.

3.)What is annealing?

Ans.-The steady heating of a metal at a certain temperature above the recrystallization phase followed by a gradual cooling process is called annealing.

4.)What is Carburizing?

Ans.-A surface hardening method that heats metal within a carbon-rich environment to increase carbon levels on the metal surface for added hardness is called Carburizing.

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